Group of faculty

Medical Plans


Medical Plan Eligibility for Dependents


  • Legal spouse
  • Same-sex domestic partner or civil union partner
  • 符合条件的26岁以下子女(包括继子女), foster children, 被收养的子女或法律要求雇员抚养的子女)

When Medical Plan Coverage Begins

Employee Type Coverage Example
10-Month Faculty hired 9/1 福利(医疗、处方、牙科),9月1日生效 Ex: Faculty hired 9/1, benefits effective 9/1
12-Month Faculty hired 9/1 or after,
Regular Full-Time Staff
福利(医疗、处方、牙科)自雇用之日起60天生效 例如:教职员工10月1日入职,福利12月1日生效
10/12-Month, Temporary, Part-Time Staff

*ACA eligible -受雇头两个月内每周工作30小时

*福利(医疗、处方),如符合条件,自聘用/资格之日起60天内生效 例如:10/12个月,临时,兼职员工雇用8/5,福利生效10/5(如果符合条件)

Available Medical Plans

Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO)
Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
Tiered Network (TN)
分层网络计划由地平线和安泰管理. 会员可以灵活地访问运营商管理的医疗网络中的医生,以及显著的保费份额减少, with no referrals required. Learn more about the Tiered Network Incentive Program.
High Deductible Health Plans (HDHP)

Medical Plan Fact Sheets

2024年计划年度员工可享受的医疗计划如下. 请注意,并非所有计划都适用于所有员工.

Full Time Employees

Horizon: NJ DIRECT/CWA Unity Direct*, NJ Direct 2019/CWA Unity DIRECT 2019*; Horizon OMNIA Health Plan, Horizon HMO**, NJ DIRECT HDLow; NJ DIRECT HDHigh

Aetna: Freedom/Freedom 2019*, CWA Unity Freedom/CWA Unity Freedom 2019*; Liberty Plus Tiered Network, Aetna HMO**, Freedom HDLow; Freedom HDHigh

*Members hired prior to July 1, 2019, 将参加NJ Direct/CWA Unity Direct或Freedom/CWA Unity Freedom. Members hired after July 1, 2019, 将参加NJ Direct 2019/CWA Unity Direct 2019或Freedom 2019/CWA Unity Freedom 2019.

** Horizon/Aetna HMO的服务区域仅限于新泽西州和宾夕法尼亚州的边界县, Delaware, and New York.

Part Time Employees

Horizon: NJ DIRECT/CWA Unity Direct*, NJ Direct 2019/CWA Unity DIRECT 2019*; Horizon OMNIA Health Plan, Horizon HMO**, NJ DIRECT HDLow; NJ DIRECT HDHigh

Aetna: Freedom/Freedom 2019*, CWA Unity Freedom/CWA Unity Freedom 2019*; Liberty Plus Tiered Network, Aetna HMO**, Freedom HDLow; Freedom HDHigh

*Members hired prior to July 1, 2019, 将参加NJ Direct/CWA Unity Direct或Freedom/CWA Unity Freedom. Members hired after July 1, 2019, 将参加NJ Direct 2019/CWA Unity Direct 2019或Freedom 2019/CWA Unity Freedom 2019.

**地平线HMO的服务区域仅限于新泽西州和宾夕法尼亚州的边界县, Delaware, and New York.

***如果您是想参加SHBP的兼职员工, send an email to hr-benefits@montclair.这样您的信息就可以添加到Benefitsolver门户网站上,以选择您的健康福利.***

Coverage for Over Aged Dependents


国家健康福利计划覆盖的雇员只能在每年10月举行的年度SHBP公开登记期间登记符合第375章资格的超过年龄的儿童. 对超过年龄的孩子的保险将从一月份福利计划开始的时候开始.

This includes a child by blood or law who is under the age of 31; is unmarried; has no dependent(s) of his or her own; lives in New Jersey or is a full-time student at an accredited public or private college or university; and is not covered in any way under a group or individual health benefits plan, church plan, or entitled to Medicare.

投保的父母或子女负责投保的全部费用. 这些孩子没有资格享受牙科或视力福利. See the 根据第375章情况说明书,31岁以下儿童的健康福利覆盖面 for more information.

How to Enroll

Step 1
Get started

First time users:


2. Click on Access Benefitsolver

3. Click on Register

4. Enter the requested registration information

5. 确认您的新密码,然后点击“继续”返回此页面并登录Benefitsolver.

Already have an account:

  1. Visit
  2. Login by entering your username and password
Step 2
Begin enrollment

Click ‘Benefitsolver,然后按照说明登记你的福利或放弃保险.
你必须在日历上显示的最后期限之前进行选举. 如果您错过了截止日期,您将放弃任何可选的福利保险, 并且必须等到下一个年度注册期才能注册.
Step 3
MyChoice Mobile App

Enroll in your benefits from your mobile device. Visit mychoice 智能手机或平板电脑上的移动应用程序,从设备的应用程序商店下载一个. You can simply log on to 在你的笔记本电脑上,在你的家庭电脑上,通过你的选举方式点击.
Step 4
Looking for more information?

View plan details, 点击主导航中的“参考中心”,查看运营商详细信息和福利指南.
Step 5
Want to review your current benefits?

您可以全年访问您的福利汇总和特定福利选择 点击主页上的“福利汇总”查看您目前的福利.
Step 6
Review your elections

Step 7

一旦你检查了你的选举结果,并且它们是准确的,点击“Approve’ to continue.
Step 8
Confirm your choices

Step 9


Medical Plan Contacts

有关任何参与计划的更多信息,请与计划代表交谈. Contact information can be found on the 新泽西州养老金和福利计划联络处 page.

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