Marc Favata和学生


十大博彩推荐排名州立大学专业人员(“AFT专业人员”)被任命为新泽西州与新泽西州州立学院和大学当地人委员会- AFL-CIO(“委员会”)之间集体谈判协议中包括的职位,需要根据第13条进行绩效评估和合同重新任命, 本协议雇员的任命和保留. AFT专业人员有资格获得五(5)个年度试用合同, 在完成五年的见习服务后, 是否有资格获得多年合约.

AFT专业人员必须提交重新任命请求, 基于他们的服务年限, 使用下面列出的重新任命时间表. 所有的绩效评估都在Workday中处理.


专业人员服务年数 续任期限 起始日期 重新安排
在首个试用服务年度服务 一年 11/3/2023 在首个试用服务年度服务-续聘时间表
完成一年或两年的试用期服务 一年 11/3/2023 完成一至两年试用期服务-续聘时间表
完成两年以上的试用期服务及少于五年的试用期服务 一年 10/6/2023 完成两年以上及少于五年的试用服务-再次委任时间表
完成五年的试用服务,并有资格获得一份多年期的初始合同 多年 10/6/2023 完成五年的试用期,并有资格获得最初的多年合同-再次任命时间表
该合同将于2025年6月30日到期 多年 3/15/2024 该合同将于2025年6月30日到期

请注意: 重新预约日历中包含的所有日期“不迟于”.”



修改后的日期 当前日期 行动
11/3/2023 重新任命流程在Workday中启动
12/1/2023 11/17/2023 候选人在工作日向直接主管提交自我评估和相关材料(“评估”).
12/12/2023 12/7/2023 Immediate Supervisor provides their evaluation and reappointment recommendation; Workday routes the Evaluation to the Candidate for review.
12/15/2023 12/12/2023 候选人的评论, 承认 and may reply to the evaluation by the Immediate Supervisor; Workday routes the Evaluation to the Immediate Supervisor for acknowledgement.
12/18/2023 12/15/2023 Immediate Supervisor 承认 the Evaluation; Workday routes the Evaluation to the Unit Head.
不变 1/5/2024 Unit Head provides their evaluation and recommendation; Workday routes the Evaluation to the division Vice President.
不变 1/19/2024 Division Vice President provides their evaluation and recommendation; Workday routes the Evaluation to 人力资源 for review.
不变 1/30/2024 校长将最后的连任建议提交董事会批准. 收到非连任决定的候选人(仅限)将被通知非连任.
不变 2/9/2024 校董会会议
不变 2/14/2024 候选人在工作日收到董事会的行动通知.
不变 2/23/2024 候选人在工作日确认接受重新任命.

日期 行动
11/3/2023 重新任命流程在Workday中启动
11/17/2023 候选人在工作日向直接主管提交自我评估和相关材料(“评估”).
12/7/2023 Immediate Supervisor provides their evaluation and reappointment recommendation; Workday routes the Evaluation to the Candidate for review.
12/12/2023 候选人的评论, 承认 and may reply to the evaluation by the Immediate Supervisor; Workday routes the Evaluation to the Immediate Supervisor for acknowledgement.
12/15/2023 Immediate Supervisor 承认 the Evaluation; Workday routes the Evaluation to the Unit Head.
1/5/2024 Unit Head provides their evaluation and reappointment recommendation; Workday routes the Evaluation to the division Vice President.
1/19/2024 Division Vice President provides their evaluation and reappointment recommendation; Workday routes the Evaluation to 人力资源 for review.
1/30/2024 校长将最后的连任建议提交董事会批准. 收到非连任决定的候选人(仅限)将被通知非连任.
2/9/2024 校董会会议
2/14/2024 候选人在工作日收到董事会的行动通知.
2/23/2024 候选人在工作日确认接受重新任命.

日期 行动
10/6/2023 重新任命流程在Workday中启动
10/20/2023 候选人在工作日向直接主管提交自我评估和相关材料(“评估”).
10/31/2023 Immediate Supervisor provides their evaluation and reappointment recommendation; Workday routes the Evaluation to the Candidate for review.
11/3/2023 候选人的评论, 承认, and may reply to the evaluation by the Immediate Supervisor; Workday routes Evaluation to the Immediate Supervisor for acknowledgement.
11/3/2023 Immediate Supervisor 承认 the Evaluation; Workday routes the Evaluation to Unit Head.
11/17/2023 Unit Head provides their evaluation and reappointment recommendation; Workday routes the Evaluation to division Vice President.
11/30/2023 Division Vice President provides their evaluation and reappointment recommendation; Workday routes the Evaluation to 人力资源 for review.
12/4/2023 校长将最后的连任建议提交董事会批准. 收到非连任决定的候选人(仅限)将被通知非连任.
12/14/2023 校董会会议
12/15/2023 候选人在工作日收到董事会的行动通知.
12/22/2023 候选人在工作日确认接受重新任命.

日期 行动
10/6/2023 重新任命流程在Workday中启动
10/13/2023 直接主管和候选人之间的协商.
10/20/2023 候选人在工作日向直接主管提交自我评估和相关材料(“评估”).
10/27/2023 Immediate Supervisor provides their evaluation and reappointment recommendation; Workday routes the Evaluation to the Candidate for review.
11/1/2023 候选人的评论, 承认, and may reply to the evaluation by the Immediate Supervisor; Workday routes Evaluation to the Immediate Supervisor for acknowledgement.
11/1/2023 Immediate Supervisor 承认 the Evaluation; Workday routes the Evaluation to Unit Head.
11/10/2023 Unit Head provides their evaluation and reappointment recommendation; Workday routes the Evaluation to the Candidate for review.
11/15/2023 候选人的评论, 承认 and may reply to the Unit Head’s evaluation; Workday routes the Evaluation to Unit Head.
11/15/2023 Unit Head 承认 the Evaluation; Workday routes the Evaluation to the Division Vice President
11/27/2023 Division Vice President provides their evaluation and reappointment recommendation; Workday routes the Evaluation to the Candidate for review.
11/30/2023 候选人的评论, 承认, and may reply to the Division Vice President’s evaluation; Workday routes the Evaluation to the Division Vice President.
11/30/2023 Division Vice President 承认 the Evaluation; Workday routes the Evaluation to 人力资源 for review.
12/4/2023 校长将考虑代表候选人提交的所有材料,并将只向董事会提出积极的建议. 候选人将被通知总统推荐或不推荐连任的决定.
12/14/2023 校董会会议
12/15/2023 候选人在工作日收到董事会的行动通知.
12/22/2023 候选人在工作日确认接受重新任命.
聘期:多年, 取决于当前的多年合同期限和AFT合同条款

日期 行动
3/15/2024 重新任命流程在Workday中启动.
3/22/2024 直接主管和候选人之间的协商.
4/1/2024 候选人在工作日向直接主管提交自我评估和相关材料(“评估”).
4/12/2024 Immediate Supervisor provides their evaluation and reappointment recommendation; Workday routes the Evaluation to the Candidate for review.
4/17/2024 候选人的评论, 承认 and may reply to the Immediate Supervisor’s evaluation; Workday routes the Evaluation to Immediate Supervisor for acknowledgement.
4/17/2024 Immediate Supervisor 承认 the Evaluation; Workday routes the Evaluation to Unit Head.
4/26/2024 Unit Head provides their evaluation and reappointment recommendation; Workday routes the Evaluation to the Candidate for review.
5/1/2024 候选人的评论, 承认 and may reply to the Unit Head’s evaluation; Workday routes the Evaluation to Unit Head.
5/1/2024 Unit Head 承认 the Evaluation; Workday routes the Evaluation to the Division Vice President.
5/15/2024 Division Vice President provides their evaluation and reappointment recommendation; Workday routes the Evaluation to the Candidate for review.
5/20/2024 候选人的评论, 承认, and may reply to the Division Vice President’s evaluation; Workday routes the Evaluation to the Division Vice President.
5/20/2024 Division Vice President 承认 the Evaluation; Workday routes the Evaluation to 人力资源 for review.
5/24/2024 校长将考虑代表候选人提交的所有材料,并将只向董事会提出积极的建议. 候选人将被通知总统推荐或不推荐连任的决定.
6/6/2024 校董会会议
6/7/2024 候选人在工作日收到董事会的行动通知.
6/14/2024 候选人在工作日确认接受重新任命.
警方、消防和紧急医疗服务中心于今日上午进行了一次演习. 在布卢姆菲尔德校区. 这不是真正的紧急情况.
2024-08-20 12:32 pm